Members can place classified ads—maximum 4 lines (approx. 3/4 in by 3 3/4 inch) for free on a one time basis. If the same ad places for more than 1 month, a fee will be charged. There is also a fee if the ad is larger than the size listed above. Ads will run in the newsletter which is posted on the LCBA website and distributed to our member circulation and billed for 12 issues.
Rates are as follows for ads provided by customer *LCBA Officers reserve the right, at their sole dis-cretion, to change, modify, add, or delete all or portions of ads for content. Terms and policies to change. Information posted is a courtesy to LCBA Members and/or a paid advertisement for busi-ness entities. LCBA does not endorse or guarantee quality or pricing.
1 (Full) page - $25.00 per month/issue Any questions regarding advertising?
1/2 page ad - $18.00 per month/issue Contact Lori Keleman at
1/4 page ad - $12.00 per month/issue
1/8 page ad - $10.00 per month/issue
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit out large showroom, filled with everything the beekeeper could ever need or want. QRC also is the proud of a very large honey pot collection which is on display year round. We have approx. 500 honey pots ranging in age and value. Certainly something of interest for all. We are now taking orders for Queens, Nucs, and packaged bees.
Contact: Denzil & Sheila St. Clair
43655 State Route 162
Spencer, Ohio 44275
Phone: 440-647-2602
March 1-Oct 31
Monday-Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-2
Nov 1-Feb 28
Monday - Saturday 10-2
CLOSED Christmas Eve through New Year's Day